Crate-Free Boarding

He already knows his friends from daycare, so his overnight sleepover will be double good! Your dog will be safe, happy and enjoy his overnight stays at Every Doggie Has Its DayCare, whether one or two days or a week or two. Plenty of playtime, both inside and outside, will fill his days and leave him sleeping soundly at night.

Every Doggie Has Its DayCare is not a traditional kennel, we use a doggie suite environment. During the day, your dog will play with other dogs in daycare, matched up by activity level. At night, what your dog does at home, they will do here at Every Doggie Has Its DayCare, sleep. We have video surveillance of your dog while they sleep and we have an alarm system that triggers if the temperature in the boarding area goes above 88 degrees or below 55 degrees. Your dog is never crated unless that is his routine at home. By keeping the dogs close to their daily routine, there is less stress, they don’t realize you are gone, and you can relax and enjoy your vacation or night on the town, knowing your dog is having a vacation of his own!!!

Click here for a daycare/boarding application

Click here to download the boarding waiver

Doggie Daycare

Is your dog lonely when you leave for work? Does your house look like it was ransacked when you get home? Housebreaking problems? Is your dog bouncing off the walls when you get home? Do you want your dog to be social with other dogs? With people? If the answer is YES to any of these questions, then doggie daycare could be just the ticket.

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